It would be great to have you aboard. Join the Sons and Daughters of Pearl Harbor Survivors organization today!
Qualifications for Membership
Direct Lineage Membership:
Must be the son or daughter or blood descendant of a son or daughter, the stepson or stepdaughter, or the stepson’s or stepdaughter’s blood descendant or adopted daughter or the adopted son’s or adopted daughter’s blood descendant of a member of the United States Armed Forces stationed on the island of Oahu, or within three (3) miles offshore at the exact time of the attack (7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.) December 7, 1941; survivor having been honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces or received discharge under honorable conditions. Death as a result of the attack is considered “honorably discharged.” All child survivors, whether or not their parent was within three (3) miles of Pearl Harbor during the attack, may be a lineage member of the SDPHS.
Collateral Membership:
Must be the niece or nephew of a member of the United States Armed Forces stationed on the island of Oahu or within three (3) miles offshore at the exact time of the attack (7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.) December 7, 1941; survivor having been honorably discharged from the United States Armed Force or received a discharge under honorable conditions. Death as a result of the attack is considered “honorably discharged.” Entitled to all the rights and privileges of a member in good standing at age of eighteen (18).
Lineal and Collateral Membership in perpetuity eligibility:
Those who are blood descendants of a member of the United States Armed Forces stationed on the island of Oahu, or within three (3) miles offshore at the exact time of the attack (7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.) December 7, 1941; survivor having been honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces or received discharge under honorable conditions. Death as a result of the attack is considered “honorably discharged.”
Minor Membership:
Minors under the age of eighteen (18) years will be carried on the membership rolls as “minor lineage members” but will have no rights for holding office or voting privileges. Upon reaching eighteen (18) years, a minor lineage member will pay regular adult lineage dues. Minor lineage members becoming adult lineage members at the age of eighteen (18) years and in good standing will receive all voting rights and membership privileges.
National Honorary Membership may only be granted by the following provisions::
The nomination of a person for National Honorary Membership shall be made by a Chapter to the State Chair setting forth the qualifications and reasons for the nomination.
The State Chair shall forward the nomination to the National Executive Board with his/her recommendation at least six (6) months prior to a National Convention.
The National Executive Board shall investigate the nominee and shall vote to accept or reject the application. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the National Executive Board shall be required to forward the nomination to the National Convention.
- After a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote by the National Executive Board, the nominee and the reason for the nomination shall be published in the SDPHS OFFSPRING prior to the next National Convention.
Vote at the National Convention on the nomination for the National Honorary Member shall be by ballot and two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present and voting shall be required.
Associate Membership:
Persons interested in promoting the objectives of the organization. Associate Members may participate in all National meetings and functions, but neither hold elective national offices nor vote. Associate Members may participate in all Chapter meetings and functions, may hold any elected chapter office except President and Vice President, and may vote on chapter business in accordance with chapter rules.
Apply Today
To start the application process, see the download buttons for the application types below.
Complete the application with required documentation and send to:
Linda Hooks, National Registrar
1414 Woodville Road
Mansfield, Ohio 44903
Be sure to include your U. S. mailing address.
For Lineage applications, it is very important to provide complete lineal documentation in order for your application to be processed. This includes birth certificates, marriage licenses, divorce decrees, etc. if your name is different from the survivor. If you do not provide the appropriate identifying documents, the process becomes quite cumbersome. Please include everything when submitting your applications. These documents are *not* optional.
Membership Applications
Pearl Harbor Survivors who join as Associate SDPHS members are not required to pay dues.
Descendants of a US Armed Forces member stationed at or near Oahu island on 12/7/1941. Ages 18+
Persons interested in promoting the objectives of the organization.
Ages 18+
Descendants of a US Armed Forces member stationed at or near Oahu island on 12/7/1941. Ages <17